
musings from Canadian author Cheryl Cooke Harrington ... home of The Write Spot

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sam goes after a real-life Grinch...

Sam gives the 'evil eye' to a real-life Christmas Grinch!This week, Sam is giving the evil eye to a real-life Christmas Grinch. Please take a few minutes to read and find out why. Some very special people will thank you!

Readers of this blog may remember me writing about my son, J. We two have enjoyed some fun and blog-worthy times together over the years with many more to come, I'm sure. What I may not have shared, is that J. is a young man with special needs. He copes with remarkable grace and humour but I'm sure every parent reading this will understand when I say that his challenges can sometimes seem overwhelming, especially to those who love and support him. That's why we all feel truly blessed and grateful to be part of in Markham — a day program providing education and vocational training to intellectually challenged adults, helping them lead independent, meaningful lives.

Last Sunday, November 25th, Dreams staff, clients, families, and friends got together to host a community event and fund-raiser, the Festival of Trees. It was a fun-filled day of fabulous Christmas trees, magical entertainment, culinary delights and, of course, Santa Claus. Money raised was intended to support the centre's operations and help grow the building fund — a dream that will someday give J. and other group members the chance to live independently in a safe and supportive environment.

The day was a wonderful success. Nearly $8,000 was raised for the Centre. Sadly, that hard-earned and desperately needed money was stolen by a thief or thieves — real-life Grinches — who broke a car window, grabbed the cash box, and ran. Much more than theft of money, this was literally a theft of dreams. Read the CityTV News account here.

So now you know the "why" of Sam's evil eye. He hopes you'll visit web site, find out about the program, get to know the Dreamers, and if you're moved by the spirit of the season, click the "donate" button. Help keep the dream alive!

Join Sam and his Santa hat on board this week's — a guaranteed Grinch-free zone — and at , hosted this week by This, That & The Other Thing

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Friday, November 23, 2007

is that turkey I smell?



Join Sam for leftover turkey gibblets on the , and at his other gig as .

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Kindle (a little shameless self-promotion)

One for Sorrow, Two for Joy on the Kindle reader!
I was pleasantly suprised this morning to discover one of my books for sale in Amazon's new store. Available only in the US (for now), this nifty new e-book reader looks like it might be the one to please folks who don't like reading on-screen. Technology includes no-glare electronic paper and unlimited free wireless connection. Users won't even need to own a computer to enjoy a portable library that includes books, newspapers, and magazines. I want one!

For more about the book, visit or go directly to the Kindle Store.

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