musings from Canadian author Cheryl Cooke Harrington ... home of The Write Spot
Saturday, October 09, 2010
101010: Help make dreams come true.
Over the years, I've blogged about my son J and his wonderful friends at The Centre for Dreams, a day program serving adults who, like him, live with developmental disabilities. The Centre aims to help members achieve their goals and dreams by focusing on their abilities rather than their disabilities. A new and urgent challenge now faces J and his friends. Their home is being torn down for condominiums and they need YOUR help to relocate. Please watch this video, generously created by Westwind Pictures, and join in the 101010 campaign... you ask 10 friends, then they ask 10 friends... J and all his friends will thank you! (For the curious, J is the handsome young man in glasses and a blue shirt at the 35 second mark.)