I've always been fascinated by what goes on behind the scenes. Whether it's backstage photos from my favourite play, a peek into the kitchen where a chef is working her culinary magic, or simply a glimpse through an uncurtained window into a stranger's private world, there's an undeniable thrill of discovery, a sense of secrets shared. It's no surprise, then, that I'm immensely curious about where other writers do their work. I've blogged about it before in this post about my own 'write spot' and so enjoyed the comments, I was inspired to launch a regular feature here at Stillpoint. Watch for The Write Spot every other Wednesday and join me as I discover the many and varied places where writers write.
I'm delighted to welcome my first guest of the series, Sheila Seabrook. Sheila writes contemporary romance and humorous romantic women’s fiction from her home on the Canadian prairies. Her emotional stories are filled with smart, sassy heroines, hot heroes who make them laugh, and a wild assortment of family members guaranteed to try to steal the show. Needless to say, Sheila has decreed that every hero and heroine’s journey must end on a happily-ever-after note.
Sheila Seabrook's 'Write Spot'

Welcome to The Write Spot, Sheila. I envy your spacious desk and comfy chair - you do things BIG out west! Now that you've shared your photo, tell us what makes it The Write Spot for you.
No one who ever worked at the day job with me would ever believe this desk was mine, but I actually didn't even have to tidy up to take this picture! In my "Write Spot", the morning sunlight shines through the window which, during the spring and summer months, is wide open. Outside, the birds sing, the fountain in the pond splashes gently, and with only a farmer's crop on the field behind the house, I write in total peace and quiet.
Sounds perfect! Other than your computer or laptop, what’s the one thing you couldn't be without in your Write Spot?
Sticky notes! All over the place! I use them for reminders, to plan out scenes, to catch random ideas…so many colors, so much joy!
What are you working on now?
I just released book two in the Caught Between romance series, and now I'm working on book three. This book starts out on Serendipity Island, takes a detour (make that a shipwreck!), then returns to Serendipity Island for the final scenes.
Where can readers find out more about you and your books?
You can find me at sheilaseabrook.com. Links to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Goodreads are all there for easy access.
Happy reading!
Caught Between a Lie and True Love is a fun, romantic read featuring a family-phobic heroine, a hunky hero whose luck—and love life—are about to change, lies, humor, romance, chocolate chip cookies, nighttime shenanigans, a con-artist who swears he’s gone straight, and a battle-of-the-sexes secondary romance.
This is book one in the Caught Between series and it's on sale for a short time only for $0.99. Get it now.
Cheryl here. Thanks so much for sharing your Write Spot with us, Sheila, and for helping to kick off this new series of author spotlights. Best of luck with your Caught Between books!
Labels: author, author spotlight, Cheryl Cooke Harrington, feature, reading, romance, Sheila Seabrook, The Write Spot, writing
Sheila, your desk area is so spacious and neat. What a wonderful place to write! Thanks for sharing.
And, Cheryl, cheers to "The Write Spot" and its debut!
Sheila, I'm also impressed by your neat and organized desk. Definitely inspiring. Joanne :)
Sheila, I envy your organized, peaceful writing retreat. Great, I bet, to spark your creativity.
Thank you all for stopping by!
Looks like a lovely area for writing! And it's so neat -- I wish my desk ever looked that organized.
Cheryl, thanks for having me on your Write Spot feature today. I'm thrilled to be here! I love to get a glimpse at other writers' workspaces, so I'm really looking forward to this blog series.
Ladies, I'm definitely not known for having a tidy workspace. Before I left my day job to write full time, my desks (and surrounding floor space!) at home and the office looked like paper had imploded all over them. Now I keep everything out of sight and out of mind. If I let it get too messy, I'm unfocused and scattered, and that shows up in my WIP.
Of course, notice that I didn't give you a peek into any of the desk drawers? :-)
Sheila, like everyone else, I'm impressed at the lack of clutter in your writing space. Makes me think your writing is also crisp and clean. Nice post.
What a beautiful place to write, Sheila. The peace and quiet and sunlight - yep! I couldn't live without a big square stack of colorful sticky notes either!
Wow - neat and organized. You're my hero(ine) LOL. Someday I'll share your dream of writing full time with no day job. Unless, of course, I turn into a 20 year overnight success or win the lottery.
Great post!
Wow Sheila, I am so impressed with your writing space. I wish I had a dedicated room but my "spot" varies but mostly at a desk in the living room with my gorgeous feline sleeping on the desk next to me. Great to hear about a fellow author and how they "get on with it".
Thank you Cheryl for an interesting blog. You have a beautiful desk Sheila. Good luck with your books.
I'm curious to the point of being voyeuristic about other writers spaces. Loved the blog post and the amazing description of Sheila's desk. The photo wouldn't load!
Oh, no! Sorry you had trouble with the photo loading, M. Kalpanaa. The feature is cross-posted at BlogHer if you want to try there: http://www.blogher.com/write-spot-author-sheila-seabrook-0 Thanks for reading!
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