
musings from Canadian author Cheryl Cooke Harrington ... home of The Write Spot

Saturday, September 09, 2006

butterfly bijoux

Monarch ButterflyWhile hiking at the beach this morning, J. and I tried keeping a monarch butterfly tally. We soon lost count.

Under foot, in the air, hanging from trees, even—for one breathless moment—fluttering softly on my shirtsleeve.

Butterflies everywhere!

I know what you're thinking. 'All that magic in the air and this is the best picture she has to show?'

Sad, isn't it? I could blame the gloomy, overcast day or even the failing batteries in my camera but... truth is, for some strange reason, the focus was wrong to the point of blurry in every single shot.

Some might say operator error. I'd rather believe magic is not so easily captured.

tiny butterfly



At 11:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for wandering over! Good luck with your scarf. Now that I'm poking around a little I'm amazed with how much we have in common! From cats, to crochet, to places we've been lately, to the cute websites we like...hehe.


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