
musings from Canadian author Cheryl Cooke Harrington ... home of The Write Spot

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

five sisters, four seasons...

My window overlooks a park and junior school, meaning my quiet writing time is often punctuated by the sounds of children at play or by rowdy summer soccer games. I welcome those noisy moments, reminding me to get up, move around, breathe the fresh air! At quieter times, I often catch myself staring out the window, lost in thoughts about the little grove of trees across the park. Do trees have personalities? I'm sure these do. I've watched them through the changing seasons of more than a decade and have come to think of them as my friends, The Five Sisters.

Surprisingly, this photo is the sisters in springtime. The tips of their branches were swollen and ready to burst with new green life when this April snow shower passed through. To me, they seemed to shiver and huddle a bit closer.

The Five Sisters, April 2016

In summer, the sisters close ranks, holding branch-hands to form a dense green canopy. They seem to welcome visitors, both human and animal, to stop and rest for a while in their shade.

July, 2016

A golden glow surrounds the grove in autumn. This might be my favourite sister-watching time. They seem so joyously alive.

October, 2016

In mid-November, chill winds have blown away the last of the golden leaves. Soon, the sisters will be snug in a blanket of snow, asleep until spring. For now... they wait.

November 16, 2016

stillpoint is the blog of Canadian author Cheryl Cooke Harrington

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At 7:40 pm, Anonymous Susan McNicoll said...

Love this Cheryl. Trees have always held a special place in my heart. I grew up in houses surrounded by trees. I used to lie at night and watch the reflections of trees on the ceiling (aided by the street lamps) and see animals and monsters and other things in them. Imagination is everything.

At 10:28 am, Blogger Joanne Guidoccio said...

Excellent post and pictures! So much strength and endurance in our trees.

At 5:48 pm, Blogger Sheila Seabrook said...

Love the changing seasons, but summer is definitely my favorite. All that sunshine and heat...heaven!

At 9:10 am, Blogger Cheryl said...

Summer is my favourite, too. At least, it is when it's here. I confess that in springtime, I often think that's my favourite. And in autumn... can't help loving the crisp air and glorious colours! Thanks for visiting, Sheila.


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