haiku for Mom
tuesday: a twilight moment
held my hand
musings from Canadian author Cheryl Cooke Harrington ... home of The Write Spot
While surfing through the Canadians roll at BlogHer tonight, I came across a meme called Checklist—a collection of 150 possible life experiences with the instruction, "just bold the things you have accomplished in your life." Seemed like an interesting way to put off washing the dishes, so I began reading, mentally building my life list.
Instead of writing tonight, I played around with setting up a flickr account. But each picture is worth a thousand words...right? See them here.
A friend of mine is on her way to Egypt tonight, a journey of over 9,000 kilometres from her home in Toronto. For the next two years, she'll live and work as a kindergarten teacher in Cairo. That in itself is a pretty big adventure, but consider the fact that my friend celebrated her 70th birthday last March. I am full of awe! Bon voyage, Adventuring Angel!
I've been blogging for two months now and it's time to 'fess up about my real motive: I want to write again. Not so long ago (although sometimes it feels like a lifetime), writing was my passion, my comfort, my pleasure. I wasn't prolific on a Nora Roberts scale, but I did complete five novels over the course of five years and, joy of joys, saw four of them published. And then...life interrupted. On a somewhat cataclysmic scale. In the aftermath, imagination fled. Inspiration went into hiding. Motivation moved out and left no forwarding address.
True confession: I am a one purse woman. Shocking. But true. You see, way back in November of 1998, I found 'The Perfect Purse' at the CACY Arts and Crafts Show. Hand made from soft, black leather, with two roomy compartments and a couple of zippered hideaways, it was — and is — just right.
No, not the old gray mare. I'm talking about my old gray self. Of course, age is really a matter of perspective. I don't feel old —well, not most days, anyway. On the other hand, I am a Grandma. Twice. And I've been known to catch a glimpse of myself in a store mirror and wonder who the heck that grumpy-looking old broad is. Yup. Perspective.
"You need to be adaptable." So began my Thursday morning horoscope. Since J. and I were about to embark on our annual overnight Mom'n son adventure — pre-planned in precise detail — those words seemed full of ominous portent. Undaunted, I read on. "Things that are wrong in one moment can be perfectly right in another."
And there's more. So much more! A rock chip with a shiny vein of gold — is it real? A tiny, leather-bound New Testament, published in 1886. An ivory hair comb. Hand-written record books listing purchases and incomes dating back to 1826.
My Dad got involved in the treasure box, too, contributing a history of his family. One note reads, "Great Grandfather - sea captain. Great Grandmother - from Sweden - she owned a 'Pub', 'The Foxes', in Wolston - near Coventry."
My missing writer's muse is stirring! Thanks, ancestors, for a box full of inspiration!
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I have been reading your Descartes.
I'm in the market for a sixty second delay device. You know ... the kind radio stations use to keep potty-mouthed callers off the air during phone-in shows. Of course, on radio it's only a five second delay. Those producers are really on the ball. My brain on the other hand ... not so much.